I am jumping on the bandwagon and posting my 25 things list from Facebook. This was a hard one for me. It took a long time to think of 25 random things about me. SO here is mine...and hold your breath...Kelly is working on his and I will post it here when he is done (he is on #6).
You are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.
1. I am totally against doing this, and even as I type wonder why I am but decided I might actually learn something about myself while getting my friends off my back :).
2. I do not like ice cream....do not like is not strong enough. I HATE ice cream!
3. I met my husband when I was 6 and he was 9. No it was not love at first sight..in fact him and his brothers were the troublemakers of the neighborhood. We were re-introduced years later by our mothers and only then became good friends.
4. I am a huge creature of habit. I am not good with change. I eat the same thing, at the same time for breakfast everyday. If I miss a day I am totally thrown off.
5. I dont sleep, ever. I used to live for my 8 hours a night and sadly I am learning to live on a lot less. Maybe 4 or less a night. I do take a little nap Sunday afternoons but that is about it!
6. I love, love, love my children. I have never wanted anything more then to be a mom, and I love it. Even during the hard times I am so greatful that I was able to have children, and I get to raise them. I secretly wish I had more, but know 1 more would be more then I could handle.
7. I dont like to yell (or be yelled at). I grew up in a house where there was a lot of yelling (sorry mom and dad it's true). It makes me feel like I am 5 when people yell. I actually have a physical reaction to it! It is something I dont want to pass on to my kids so you will hardly ever hear me yell. If I do you better run, I have been pushed too far!
8. I love lists. I sometimes make lists of lists I need to make. I need to have things written down in order to see what I need to do. I have grocery lists, to do lists, want to do lists, lists for work, lists for the kids, lists of home improvements that need to be done. It never ends!! I am not sure if it is just the list I love or the writting. Writting anything is theraputic for me. I have a ton of journals and I love to write notes. I started a blog hoping that would be the same, its close but not exactly the same.
9. I have a random thought about someone or something I need to say it to them. I send out a lot of random texts just becasue I need to say something and dont want to miss the chance.
10. I love music! I love music that means something to me. I will hear a song and listen carefully to the words. I will listen to a song over and over and when I am going through something. I use it to work through it. (I know...random) . I am not good at expressing an emotion but I can do this through music. Some of my favorites right now; "Say" - John Mayer, "Broken" Lindsey Hauhn, and "Anyway" by Martina McBride. I even have music I clean too!!
11. I do not like to be the center of attention. I prefer to be in the background in everything that I do. Even birthdays are horrifying for me, I dont like to be watched, or noticed.
12. One lady gave birth to me, another raised me. Love one of them....trying to love the other.
13. I have always wanted to be a nurse. I even had my CNA at one point and worked in a long term care facility. ( The only problem working there is Kelly would not come and visit me because he said it smelled like old people.). The last few years this is a renewed interest of mine....one I might soon consider looking into again.
14. A couple of years ago I took a job working as the Financial Officer for a large OBGYN's office. The owner hired me after working for her in a church position, and being a patient. When I started I did not balance my own checkbook, in fact I did nothing financial in my house (she knew this when she hired me). Since working at that job I now worry about my money ALL of the time! I cannot just go and buy whatever...I hate it, I really have to think about it first! If my checkbook does not have a cushion I freak out. Just recently I quit this job (this week), maybe the insanity will stop!
15. I need my friends, a lot! I have great friends, and I love them all. I am so greatful for the friendships that I have!
16. When I clean my house (usually once a week), I wont cook. It is not because I don't want to cook it is because I need my house to be cleaner just a little longer and once we go back to cooking, it's all over.
17. You can tell how I am feeling..or my mood..by the look of my house. If it is clean I am good, cluttered..I am busy, and a mess...well, I am a mess (you should see it today!!!)
18. I LOVE fresh flowers and try to always have some sitting on my counter. It is another one of those things that are based on my mood. After I clean I replaced the flowers. Just a side note...the ones I have now are dead what does that say about me?
19. I am jealous of people who are full of confidence. That is not me! I get embarrased by compliments and am never really sure of myself.
20. I have just lived through, (am still in the middle of), the hardest time of my whole life (so far). I have had a lot of trials in my life, most of which I could totally handle. This one is different. I have had to make decisions and choices for one of my children that will affect his life. As a mother you want to do what is best for your children, but sometimes it takes more then youv'e got.
21. I am learning there are times I have to depend on others, I prefer to do things on my own and never like to have to ask for help. Since I have not delt with #20 as well as I would like I am learning it is ok to accept help every once in awhile.
22. I LOVE texting! We took away Mekenzies phone due to her texting problem....had I known how easy it was to get addicted I maybe would have given her a break (maybe not). I love that I can send a text whenever I think of something I need to say, it is a problem. I love that I have a few friends that work nights so I can even text all night long if I need too (not sure they like it), I have solved a few of the worlds problems late at night during a texting conversation! The only thing I dont like is that I cannot always get the emotion to come across when I text and have to text an explanation......
23. I am greatful for my husband. He works hard to support our family and is a great father and husband. I cannot believe it has been over 16 years since we got married. How has he done it all these years???
24. I love to sing (see #6). I would never sing in front of people (see #11), but I have. I actually sang in church and at school as a teenager. Not sure what happened but your chances of seeing that are long past unless you sneak in during our family karaoke! Me and Mekenzie sing a mean duet!
25. I cannot sit still. I need to always be doing two things at once. If I watch TV I will be on the computer or putting something together. Even when I try to sleep I constantly move my feet (It makes Kelly crazy). It makes me anxious for my hands to not be busy. So little time, so much to do! I am a great multi-tasker!! Sometimes I want to just sit! I spend the whole time battling with myself about things I could be doing at the same time. It is exhausting!!
Weekly Update February 14-20
8 years ago
I love those 25 things about you. Thanks for sharing.
WOW - you are a very good writer - I can see why you like to do it! That was really fun to read! I learned a few new things. You are amazing!!
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