Thursday, April 9, 2009


We have had a very laid back week this week. A lot of resting and recovering for us, which is what we needed. A few things HAVE caught me off guard this week though. The first one being Easter. How did Easter already get here? I am a planner, everything is always done way ahead of time so when I realized that Easter is THIS Sunday I was in a panic. My panic only increased when I went to Target and they had nothing left for Easter!!! Luckily over the last few days I have been able to get some things together and my kids will have Easter (it was a close one!).
The other happened today. I was laying on the couch, tired. I have been really tired lately but unable to sleep so when a moment comes and I get to lay on the couch it is a pretty sure thing I will fall asleep, so I did. The door bell rang, and Kellen yelled for me to get it because he did not know who it was (following the rules, good boy). At my door were two very sweet missionaries from our church. They said they had been trying to call the last couple of days, (we have been bad at answering the phone, and checking our messages), they wanted to make sure we knew we had signed up to feed them....tonight! (Now I love Kelly, he is usually so good at letting me know when he signs up for something that might need my preparation, but he didn't mention it this time. He does not even remember doing it.)
I had been so efficient today. Knowing I needed a restful day I had put some of our families favorite, bean soup, in the crock pot. I could NOT feed these sweet 20 year old boys bean soup!!! I asked them what they wanted for dessert (figured they needed something they really wanted), and they wanted peach pie and ice cream. Did I mention it was 3:00 and they needed to eat at 5:00 in order to make it to an appointment they had. I acted like we were prepared, no big deal, needless to say I was off and running!! Did you know Costco has peach pie?? It saved us!! We picked up some peach pie, ice cream, rolls, and fruit for salad. Then I decided they needed some meat (20 year old boys, remember!), luckily they had some tri-tip that looked just our size (yeah!) We ran around like crazy people but when the missionaries got here it looked like we had planned all day (thanks to all my kids, and the friends that were here, AND Kelly coming home early to help). It was a strange mix of food (I had to include the BEAN SOUP!) But they were so grateful (if only they knew!!) It ended up being a great dinner and the thing they liked the best, the bean soup, who knew!!! I wont mention that both of my boys got sent to bed early for showing off the whole time - some inappropriate jokes and a little "pants-ing" issue.
Moral of the story....I should have just finished my nap and fed them the bean soup!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think you'll get some extra points in heaven for doing that one for the Lord's servents. still try to take it easy.