Friday, December 26, 2008


I can't believe it is over. Now all that is left is the mess (and the new clothes and toys)! We had a great Christmas. It was a fun day around here, I was so sad to see it end. There is nothing like the feelings you have at Christmas - I just love it!!!
Here is our house before the craziness - I love the organized before!

Here is the house after.....

It is always a crazy mess after Christmas. I love the build up, the decorations, the shopping, everything!! I am not a fan of the clean-up! I worked today and left Kelly and the kids to take over and get the house in order. It looks pretty good, still needs some "motherly" cleaning, but a little more picked up.
I think the kids got everything they asked for:
Mekenzie got gift cards to the mall, lots of clothes, some boots, and a gumball machine (she really wanted one).
Kellen got a PSP (handheld game system), Hostess Cupcakes and Twinkies (he actually asked Santa for these), some games, and jammies.
Camden got a Colts beanbag chair, a MP3 player, and some "real" tools to help his dad fix and build things!
I think they had a great day!
Now we are planning for the next adventure in our lives. We will be spending our New Years in the hospital as Kellen is having some major intestinal surgery on Tuesday and will be in the hospital for 5-6 days. So it is time to clean, do laundry, and get everything else tied up to end a 2008 and move on to HOPEFULLY a better 2009!

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