Monday, December 22, 2008

Words of Wisdom...

My kids sometimes say the funniest things. This week has been no exception.
We were on our way to our Ward Christmas Party and Kellen asked if Santa would be there. I told him yes, his reply was that in the Dictionary it says Santa died in 1832! Explain that one!!!!
Camden was telling me how he knew he was going to get something from Santa this year because he is only 7. He told me, "Santa thinks it is o.k. to be bad when you are 7 but when you are 8 if you are bad Jesus get's mad" I guess Jesus and Santa talk. Good thing there is repentance!
Today is my B-day and Camden wanted to help so he made my bed. I was getting ready for the day and he came and told me, "It's not pretty but It was made with love". It took awhile to stop laughing from that one, he is 7!!
Mekenzie is preparing to be in "Alice in Wonderland", the musical. She is really excited!!! She is a flower, but she has no name. She is really upset about this and so we are thinking of what kind of flower she could be. There is already a rose, daisy, petunia, and lily. Any ideas??? We tried Calla Lily, Marigold, and whatever the name is of the Kennecott Sulfur flower. She doesn't like any of them!! This she wants you to know, is not funny!!


Stefani said...

The flower song is my favorite from Alice in Wonderland! Has she thought of a dandelion, or a tulip (my favorite), or a poppy, or a violet? I know there's more....

Roblyer said...

Happy Birthday sister!!! We ar thinking of you!!!

Jennifer and Clay said...

Snapdragon, sweetpea, johnny jump up, carnation, geranium, daylily...really reaching here!

Happy late birthday!